Summer picture post
Jul 16, 2012
Man I have been busy this summer! The bees are still getting the loving they so deserve even after trying to kill me while defending their home. I'm not going to say much but just post a few pics and give you a note form of what has happened with the bees so far this spring/summer
1 Hive at home swarmed twice caught one of the swarms but they didn't stay
Still Creek Garden hives[/caption]
as of today I have 5 hives total and all have laying queens and there is a possibility of getting some honey from 2 of them. the other 3 should be able to rebuild so they can survive the winter.
I did manage to get a bit of honey from a few frames that the bees wont need
[caption id="attachment_833" align="aligncenter" width="450"]
Early Season Harvest[/caption]
Here is pic of a wonderful flower in the garden. Not sure what it is.
[caption id="attachment_835" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Better post soon! Have a great summer everyone
both hives were queenless for a long time due to rainy weather but somehow they managed to collect a lot of honey as there was no brood to deal with