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Jun 25, 2011

Swarm part deux

Friday the 17th  was another exciting day in my short time as a beekeeper.  I will have to give you the lead up story...

Jun 7, 2011

And Then There Was Two...

[caption id="attachment_292" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="this is the size of a large watermelon"][/capti...

Jun 6, 2011


So Sunday i was planning on doing a full inspection as it had been 9 days since the last one where I had discovered t...

May 27, 2011

Frame Comparison

I was looking at pictures of the development of the hive and thought it would be interesting to see the pics side by ...

May 27, 2011

Queen Cups!

May 26th The weather was cooperating this evening and we could get out and do an inspection and see what the bees ha...

May 26, 2011

Bunches of Bees

Yesterday evening it was raining after a good 5 days of rain free weather here in Vancouver.  I looked out my bedroom...

May 24, 2011

Almost 7 Weeks Already?

This inspection was done on May 18th The weather has not been cooperative for inspections lately.  I had a short wind...

May 10, 2011

5th Week Inspection

At the 4th week inspection I had the brood box at about 6  frames drawn out and what I thought was copious amounts of...

Apr 25, 2011

Bees Flying in the Rain

It has been raining lightly for 2 days now and I didn't expect to see any activity around the hive.  I always thought...

Apr 25, 2011

3rd Week Inspection

Saturday was the 20th day since I hived the package of bees. The day was clear and sunny, about 15 celsius. The weath...

Apr 18, 2011

2nd week hive inspection

Sun was shining this weekend but the temps were still chilly if you weren't in the sun.  Saturday was Vahsaki, an anc...

Apr 15, 2011

Frame Feeder Fumble

Today I thought I should check the sugar syrup levels in the inverted jar feeder. It is contained inside the second b...

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