I was into Bees way back when
Oct 19, 2011
Back in the 80's I traveled hitchhiked across Europe (and Asia) with my backpack and my trusty thumb for a few years before coming back to Canada. While traveling through northern Greece to Turkey I met a man at a taverna who wanted to share his interest in Bee Keeping. My Girlfriend and I followed him up a trail to his apiary where he smoked a hive and made us hold a frame while we took a picture. He looks proud to share the bees with us and I look like a dirty skinny boy with a mullet.
[caption id="attachment_495" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="bees in Greece"]
Before we headed out on the road again, he cut out some honey comb and gave it to us as a gift.
My first real experience with bees and eating honey comb. Wow.