Sunny Days Are Here
Apr 07, 2011
I made a slider tray to fit under the screened bottom (called the "Varro-Nator") that is accessible from the back of the hive. When i pulled it out I could see what looked like a line of pollen dust situated below the frame where I had placed the queen cage. I'm hoping that this means that the queen is there and that is where most of the bee activity is.
[caption id="attachment_53" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Bees at the entrance to Coruscant"]

Phillip a beekeeper from Newfoundland , with an excellent blog has informed me that I have placed the inner cover on upside down and because it is not proper bee-space that I could have a bit of burr comb to deal with when I open it. I will wait and see when I do the first inspection this friday, as the weather forecast is calling for more rain this weekend.